
Malaria Data in Asia and the Pacific: By the Numbers

Malaria Data in Asia and the Pacific: By the Numbers

The Asia Pacific Leaders Malaria Alliance, for which ADB is hosting the secretariat, is being launched in response to the urgent need to reduce the burden of this disease in the region. Here's a by-the-numbers look at the status of malaria in Asia and the Pacific.


Countries of the Mekong River: 12 Things to Know

Countries of the Mekong River: 12 Things to Know

The six nations that share the Mekong River celebrate this year 2 decades of economic cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion Program, which was established with the assistance of ADB in 1992.


Tourism to Help the Poor in Asia

Tourism to Help the Poor in Asia

The idea that tourists swimming in a jungle waterfall or strolling around an ancient temple can help reduce poverty seems too good to be true. But it is a fact: an increasing body of research clearly demonstrates that tourism can help the poor.


Life Beyond the Dam

Life Beyond the Dam

Though a hydropower project relocated villagers, it also brought electricity, roads, and schools to a remote valley.


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