GMS Contents

Roundtable Discussion on Regional Investment Framework for Migrant Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion

Roundtable Discussion on Regional Investment Framework for Migrant Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion

The Asian Development Bank organized the one day Roundtable Discussion on Regional Investment Framework for Migrant Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion on 5 November 2018 in Bangkok. The roundtable discussion focused on defining an operational regional investment framework and available financing solutions to innovatively address migrant health care challenges and support national and regional universal health coverage.

Regional Investment Framework 2022: First Progress Report and Update

The RIF 2022: First Progress Report and Update (2018) was endorsed by the GMS Senior Officials' Meeting in December 2018 and received ad referendum approval by the GMS Ministers in April 2019. It represents updates to the RIF 2022 during the 2018 cycle (from February to November 2018).  It revises the medium-term pipeline of projects to a new total of 247 investment and technical assistance projects, requiring $80.9 billion in estimated financing.
