GMS Contents

GMS: Renewed Strength to Face the Challenges of the New Decade (7th GMS Summit video)

Since 1992, the GMS Program has helped connect countries, enhanced nations’ competitiveness, and bring communities closer together. As it moves toward its fourth decade, the GMS Program will continue to advance the subregion’s extraordinary transformation, preparing for the dynamic challenges of tomorrow through GMS-2030, its long term strategic framework.

Financing for Tech Startups

Tech startups can provide needed digital solutions that can reinvigorate economies. However, findings from Cambodia, Thailand, and Viet Nam show that tech startups rely on an array of small financing sources and that venture capital is elusive. This webinar will discuss financing sources and policy options to support impactful tech startups in the greentech, agritech, edtech, and healthtech when patient capital is in short supply.