GMS Contents

Tourism is growing rapidly in Viet Nam, but most growth and corresponding socioeconomic benefits are concentrated in a few gateway destinations, says ADB Project Administration Unit Head for Viet Nam Mr. Steven Schipani. Photo: ADB.

ADB Project to Help Boost Inclusive Tourism in Viet Nam’s Secondary Towns

HA NOI, VIET NAM (10 December 2018) — The Asian Development Bank has approved a $45 million loan to help Viet Nam transform secondary towns into more economically inclusive, competitive tourism destinations.

The project will help install eight modernized irrigation systems in five drought-affected provinces, which will improve agricultural productivity in Viet Nam. Photo: ADB.

ADB Project to Modernize Irrigation Systems, Improve Agricultural Productivity in Viet Nam

HA NOI, VIET NAM (27 November 2018) — The Asian Development Bank has approved over $100 million in financing to help the Government of Viet Nam install eight modernized irrigation systems in five drought-affected provinces, which will improve agricultural productivity, especially among farmers growing high-value crops such as coffee, peppers, grapes, dragon fruits, and mangoes.
