GMS in the News

ADB: Wider, Deeper Regional Cooperation in Asia and the Pacific is Key to Managing Crises

An Asian Development Bank (ADB) article underscores that collective action helped contribute to combating the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, and notes that expanding and deepening cross-border cooperation in Asia and the Pacific will help the region navigate newer economic challenges and the worsening climate crisis. The support that ADB and other development partners have extended to countries in managing the various impact from the pandemic has provided valuable lessons on tackling oncoming threats. 

7th Mekong–Lancang Cooperation Adopts Joint Statements on Cooperation in Agriculture and Trade Facilitation

Foreign ministers of Mekong–Lancang Cooperation member countries vowed to strengthen their cooperation in economic integration, agriculture and food security, green development, innovation, public health and people-to-people exchanges, at the 7th Mekong - Lancang Cooperation meeting. 

The meeting adopted four joint statements on strengthening agricultural cooperation, disaster prevention, customs and trade facilitation, and exchanges between MLC civilizations.