GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program and GMS Countries Reach Agreement in Principle for First 6 Demonstration Sites

Photo by ADB
Demonstrations or pilot farms were implemented in large scale in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) during the Core Agriculture Support Program (CASP) and will continue to form an important part in the GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program (SAFSP). At least 12 demos will be set up across the subregion. These demos will offer important learning opportunities for target groups, especially the farmers, and practical results will provide feedback for policy making process. The technical assistance has been in deep discussions and has now reached agreement with the GMS agriculture ministries on the first six demonstration sites to be set up from now to the end of 2021, taking into account the ongoing impact of the pandemic. Dr. Srinivasan Ancha, Principal Climate Change Specialist at the Asian Development Bank, said that the technical assistance would try to support cross-visits for learning to ensure that the pilot results will be shared with all the members, as they are regionally focused. The technical assistance and the countries will continue to conduct assessments to prepare proposals for these demos.
This was originally posted on the GMS Sustainable Agriculture and Food Security Program Newsletter September 2021 Vol. 1 No. 1.
Last Updated: 1 December 2021