Greater Mekong Subregion Mid-Term Review and Revised Regional Investment Framework Implementation Plan 2020

This report presents the mid-term review and third progress report of the Regional Investment Framework Implementation Plan (RRIF-IP) 2014-2018. It discusses the status of 93 priority investment and technical assistance projects as of 30 June 2016. The document also contains the Revised Regional Investment Framework Implementation Plan 2020 which encompasses the projects of the original RIF-IP 2014-2018 as well as an expanded project pipeline to the year 2020. In terms of progress and status, 52 of the original 93 projects have already secured financing estimated at US$26 billion, 85% of the original estimated total cost. Moreover, about a third of investment projects have commenced implementation and two projects, both in the transport sector, have been completed. The revised plan has a pipeline of 107 investment and technical assistance projects estimated at US$32.7 billion, and extends to the year 2020. It includes carryovers from the previous pipeline and new priority projects.

Date published: November 2016



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Last Updated:   Friday, 17 February 2017