Healthy Oceans Tech and Finance Forum: Innovative Solutions for Asia and the Pacific

The Asian Development Bank is convening its first Healthy Oceans Tech and Finance Forum on 26-28 January 2022 that will cover 4 thematic tracks: (1) Plastic-free Oceans, (2) Coastal Resilience, (3) Ocean Finance, and (4) Blue Foods.
Global experts will set the scene for each thematic track: Jenna Jambeck, National Geographic Fellow and Distinguished Professor in Environmental Engineering at the University of Georgia; Michael Beck, AXA Chair in Coastal Resilience and Head of the Coastal Resilience Lab, UC Santa Cruz; Jim Leape, Center for Ocean Solutions at Stanford University; Margaret Kuhlow, WWF Global Finance Practice Leader.
Shakuntala Thilsted, Global Lead for Nutrition and Public Health at WorldFish and 2021 World Food Prize Laureate, and Gab Mejia, Conservation Photographer and National Geographic Explorer, will deliver an inspirational talk.
See the forum agenda for a full list of the thematic sessions that will feature ocean science, innovation, and technologies along with traditional solutions (including indigenous knowledge) that have potential for scale-up.
A virtual expo will showcase technology and innovation to protect and enhance ocean health, along with opportunities to interact with potential partners to support project investments. Your organization may be interested to apply for a booth, or share this opportunity with others working in this space. Please note the deadline for applications is 14 January.
This is a flagship event under the ADB Action Plan for Healthy Oceans and Sustainable Blue Economies, launched in 2019, which aims to increase ocean investments and technical assistance to ADB developing member countries.
Register as an attendee.
Last Updated: 10 January 2022