Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2): Summary of Discussions

The Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2) was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 1-2 December. The Meeting was co-organized by the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO), Ministry of Energy (MOE) of the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB).
The RPTCC-2 meeting discussed the following: (i) review of draft final report on the study for the Regional Power Trade Operating Agreement (PTOA); (ii) review of the draft PTOA agreement; (iii) review of inception report for the preparation of the GMS power interconnection project, Phase I; and (iv) finalization of the work plan of the RPTCC (based on discussions held in RPTCC-1). Attached, as Appendix 1, is the Agenda and Program of the Meeting.
The participants included delegations from the Kingdom of Cambodia, the People's Republic of China (PRC), the Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), the Union of Myanmar, the Kingdom of Thailand, and the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam. Representatives from the Agence Francaise de Developpement (AFD), E7 Group, French Embassy, German Embassy, Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC), Mekong River Commission Secretariat (MRCS), Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA), Advisory Panel (E7 Group), Soluziona (ADB Consultant), Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)/ Fichtner (ADB Consultant), World Bank and ADB also attended.
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Second Meeting of the Regional Power Trade Coordination Committee (RPTCC-2): Summary of Discussions |
Last Updated: Wednesday, 1 December 2004