The People’s Republic of China Poverty Reduction and Regional Cooperation Fund

Over the past 17 years, the PRC Fund has supported 135 applications in ADB developing members and achieved good results, and will continue to promote common prosperity and shared development by supporting poverty reduction in Asia and the Pacific, regional cooperation and integration, and knowledge sharing through technical assistance and grants.

Support for the GMS Program

Assistance provided to members of the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) reached $14.32 million—19% of the fund’s total portfolio. The top three sectors supported are agriculture, natural resources, and rural development; public sector management; and industry and trade. The combined success rate for GMS projects is 85%, with 71% rated “successful” and 14% rated “highly successful.”

Read further to know more about PRC Fund support for the GMS Program and the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) Program.

This infographic was first published in the ADB website.

Last Updated: 27 September 2022