Special Meeting of the GMS Subregional Energy Sector Forum (Special SEF): Summary of Discussions

The Special SEF meeting was held to refine and finalize the GMS Road Map for Expanded Energy Cooperation, for endorsing it to the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting to be held in Thailand in June 2009. Formulated in line with the recommendations of the recently completed GMS Energy Strategy Study, the Road Map was earlier presented at the SEF meeting in Ho Chi Minh City, Viet Nam and at the GMS Senior Officials' Meeting (SOM) in Bangkok, Thailand, both held in November 2008. These meetings agreed to further review and hold internal consultations on the Road Map. The special meeting of the SEF will incorporate the results of the internal review of the Road Map by the GMS countries.
Since the Road Map is one of the key items expected to be endorsed at the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting, the Special SEF meeting will specifically undertake the following: (i) discuss the countries' views on the Road Map, to guide in refining and readying the Road Map for final review of the countries by mid-April 2009 and for endorsement by GMS Ministers at the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting; and (ii) plan the next steps with respect to the Road Map, such as formulating the detailed proposals and identifying possible partnerships in implementing these.
The Special SEF meeting was held in Bangkok, Thailand on 18-19 March 2009 and coorganized by the Energy Policy and Planning Office (EPPO) of Thailand, and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It was co-chaired by Mr. Chavalit Pichalai, Deputy Director General, EPPO Thailand, and Mr. Yongping Zhai, Lead Professional (Energy), Energy and Water Division, Southeast Asia Department, ADB. It was attended by representatives of the six GMS member countries, as well as by representatives of ADB and Environment Operations Center (EOC).
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Special Meeting of the GMS Subregional Energy Sector Forum (Special SEF): Summary of Discussions |
Last Updated: Sunday, 1 March 2009