Strengthening HIV/AIDS Prevention in Myanmar


Supported by a $10 million grant from the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction at the Asian Development Bank, the Ministry of Health and Sports of Myanmar implemented the Greater Mekong Subregion’s Capacity Building for HIV/AIDS Prevention Project.

The influx of migrants and local workers to development sites in border towns in Kayin and Mon states for better economic opportunities also increased vulnerabilities for HIV and other sexually-transmitted diseases. To address this concern, the project invested in infrastructure, capacity building for health workers, community education and outreach programs to increase the government’s capacity in HIV/AIDS prevention. It specifically supported access to service for vulnerable groups such as migrant workers, local indigenous groups, sex workers, and the LGBT groups.

Strengthened health security, in turn, contributes to regional economic integration and remains a critical agenda in promoting regional cooperation.




Last Updated: 16 March 2020