Third Meeting of the GMS Subregional Energy Sector Forum (SEF-3): Summary of Discussions

The SEF-3 meeting was held primarily to jumpstart the implementation of the GMS Road Map for Expanded Energy Cooperation, which was endorsed at the 15th GMS Ministerial Meeting held in Thailand in June 2009. The meeting initiated the various activities that will enable the SEF to perform its major tasks as follows: (i) overseeing assignment of 'Lead"1 countries to prepare and implement projects; (ii) programming projects/ activities to achieve the road map's medium-term thrusts; (iii) driving the process of setting suitable GMS performance targets under the road map; (iv) monitoring the progress of the road map; and (v) serving as the principal vehicle for information and knowledge sharing in GMS energy cooperation.
The SEF-3 meeting was held in Phnom Penh, Cambodia on 20-21 August 2009 and coorganized by the Ministry of Industry, Mines and Energy (MIME) of Cambodia and the Asian Development Bank (ADB). It was co-chaired by Mr. Anthony Jude, Director, Energy and Water Division (SEEW), Southeast Asia Department, ADB and Mr. Yongping Zhai, Lead Professional (Energy), Energy and Water Division (SEEW), Southeast Asia Department, ADB. It was attended by representatives of Cambodia, Peoples' Republic of China (PRC), Lao PDR and Viet Nam, as well as by representatives of the Center for Energy and Environment Resource Development (CEERD), Environment Operations Center (EOC), Gunung Ganang, Mekong River Commission (MRC), and ADB. Myanmar and Thailand were unable to send representatives to the meeting.
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Third Meeting of the GMS Subregional Energy Sector Forum (SEF-3): Summary of Discussions |
Last Updated: Saturday, 1 August 2009