
Myanmar’s New Road to Prosperity

Myanmar’s New Road to Prosperity

A new road forming the last remaining segment of the Greater Mekong Subregion’s East-West Economic Corridor is set to bring new energy to fuel the economic transformation of a vibrant corner of Myanmar.



Greater Mekong Ministers, ADB Plan Next Generation of Development Activities

Greater Mekong Ministers, ADB Plan Next Generation of Development Activities

MANILA, PHILIPPINES (12 December 2012) - The next phase of Greater Mekong Subregion investments should expand the program into new areas such as multisector investments towards urban development, connecting remote areas with growth centers, and extending existing corridors into Myanmar, ministers attending the 18th GMS Ministerial Conference in Nanning, People's Republic of China said today in a joint statement.


Mekong Leaders Map Expansion of Economic Corridors

Mekong Leaders Map Expansion of Economic Corridors

MANDALAY, MYANMAR (28 June 2012) - Ministers and senior government officials from the six Greater Mekong Subregion countries met today to discuss ways of expanding economic corridors to better facilitate the movement of people and products around the subregion.


GMS Countries Gear Up For Second Generation Cooperation

GMS Countries Gear Up For Second Generation Cooperation

PHNOM PENH, CAMBODIA (4 August 2011) - Countries in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) are poised to move the GMS Economic Cooperation Program into a second generation of initiatives over the next 10 years.


Economic Corridors Development: Measure of Success of the GMS Program

Economic Corridors Development: Measure of Success of the GMS Program

VIENTIANE, LAO PDR (30 June 2011) – Progress in developing the economic corridors in the Greater Mekong Subregion will be a key indicator of the success of the GMS Economic Cooperation Program, delegates at today's Third Economic Corridors Forum meeting heard.



Connecting Nations, Linking People

Connecting Nations, Linking People

This publication outlines the GMS Economic Cooperation Program (GMS Program) which was initiated in 1992 with the support of ADB. It aims to promote economic cooperation among Cambodia, People's Republic of China (PRC), Lao People's Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), Myanmar, Thailand, and Viet Nam.
The GMS Program covers nine priority sectors: transportation, telecommunications, energy, environment, human resource development, trade, investment, tourism, and agriculture.

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