Implementing a Green Recovery in Southeast Asia
This report explains why Southeast Asian countries need to design pandemic recovery policies that hit both ambitious socioeconomic and environmental goals.
This report explains why Southeast Asian countries need to design pandemic recovery policies that hit both ambitious socioeconomic and environmental goals.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) hosted a virtual event on 28 September 2021 to bring together stakeholders in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) to discuss evidence-based practices and achievements and challenges of using digital technology for COVID-19 vaccinations.
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the Government of Thailand held the first Policy Platform meeting as part of the Thailand: COVID-19 Active Response and Expenditure Support (CARES) program on 9 August. The meeting was led by Mr. Arkhom Termpittayapaisith, Finance Minister of the Government of Thailand and Asian Development Bank (ADB) Governor, and Mr. Ahmed M. Saeed, Vice-President (Operations 2), ADB.
This compendium of 13 briefs from the Policy Actions for COVID-19 Economic Recovery (PACER) Dialogues provide insights on how Southeast Asian countries and the People’s Republic of China can overcome the pandemic.
Meeting photo via Khmer Times
The 11th Mekong-Ganga Cooperation (MGC) Foreign Ministers’ Meeting was held on 21 July 2021, co-chaired by Mr. Prak Sokhonn, Cambodia Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and Dr. Subrahmanyam Jaishankar, India Minister of External Affairs. The meeting noted the progress in the MGC Plan of Action 2019-2022 implementation.
Meeting photo via Viet Nam Plus
The second Mekong-U.S. Partnership Ministerial Meeting held on 2 August 2021 unveiled four flagship projects under the Mekong-U.S. Partnership, and noted the 8.5 million vaccine doses and over $58 million in U.S. COVID-19 assistance to the Mekong subregion countries.
This brochure provides an overview of how ADB is assisting its developing member countries in Southeast Asia to combat the COVID-19 pandemic.
Capacity development in the area of human resource management is greatly needed in the Lao PDR’s health sector. At the Ministry of Health, strengthening the staff’s capacity for reliable planning of prevention, treatment, and managing statistical systems has contributed positively to the well-being of employees—as well as health system beneficiaries, who received better services.
The Asian Development Bank and the Nossal Institute for Global Health hosted a virtual meeting titled, “One Health in the Greater Mekong Subregion: Where are we now and where next?” on 3 June 2021 to share lessons learned in the use of multisectoral One Health approaches and priority actions identified under the TA 9571-REG: Strengthening Regional Health Cooperation in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS).
The Asian Development Bank, in partnership with the Nossal Institute for Global Health at the University of Melbourne, is organizing a virtual Greater Mekong Subregion meeting entitled, “One Health in the GMS: Where are we now and where next?” on 3 June 2021 via video conferencing.